Colorado – A Post Legalisation Summary

In a post Covid world where economists and politicians are warning of Depression era levels of financial downturn the dire consequences of marijuana legalisation are for those that can least afford it.

With more data showing THC levels (chemicals causing the ‘high’ in cannabis) more powerful than decades earlier and a host of dangerous chemicals and fungi being discovered; the health warnings sound eerily similar to those levelled decades earlier against tobacco industries.

This remains the reason that activists primarily and incessantly emphasise adult rights to recreational pleasure. However, as any marketing executive will admit, it’s not occasional users but repeat customers (addicts) that reap the most profit and that means mass market inundation.

In addition, we can expect that marijuana legalisation will be a massive boon for organised crime. “The Mafia and individual members of big biker clubs generally profit by allowing others to grow and sell marijuana in their claimed territory in exchange for kicking a percentage upstairs. Growers and dealers who refuse to play along can expect a visit – usually in the form of a home invasion – that often combines robbery with assault. But that happens to a lot of other businesses, too – such as tattoo shops, leather stores, gyms, bars and restaurants.”

As always, the destructive effects are left to be felt most by those who can least afford the consequences and are most likely to depend on scraps of government welfare to survive: the young, poor, vulnerable, indigenous and rural communities.

Fo complete synopsis click here  


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