Dalgarno Institute – Niche

The Niche

We are first and foremost – ‘Fence Builders’ not ‘Ambulance Drivers’

We seek to deliver intervention, protective and preventative processes based on well thought through anthropologically sound evidence-based practice. Good and workable prescriptions matter, giving children and their families not only direction and clarity, but also sound foundational life motivators such as hope, purpose and meaning, that are also key in allowing the Affective Domain education to ‘stick’.

Dalgarno Institute is unique in…

  • Pioneering Community initiated Alcohol and Drug Advocates and Educators.
  • We utilize multidiscipline and innovative advocacy and education programs, approaches and pedagogies.
  • Solid research backing with qualified and highly experienced staff and supporters including Cognitive Based Therapists, Medical Practitioners and Educators.
  • Empowerment model based on ‘together’ not simply promoting individuality – promoting positive peer engagement and intervention.
  • Assisting young people and communities to look beyond the ‘pop-culture’ and often intimidating peer solidarity, to little considered but imperative psycho-social health benefits and elements– including values formation and worldview calibration.
  • We focus beyond symptoms and ‘Band-aid’ approaches and endeavour to skill young people and communities to investigate causal and big picture reasons behind the ‘noisy’ and very ‘messy’ symptoms.

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