DOPE DISASTER: Legalising cannabis in the UK would fuel violent crime ….

DOPE DISASTER: Legalising cannabis in the UK would fuel violent crime and turn a new generation into hard drug addicts, warn experts – LEGALISING cannabis will fuel violent conflict in our towns and turn a new generation of people on to hard drugs, experts warn. British drug counsellor Seven Graham has seen the damage that easily available cannabis can cause after moving to Los Angeles, where recreational marijuana sale is legal.

Seven tells The Sun on Sunday: “If you think knife crime is bad now, it could get worse if marijuana is legalised. “Legal cannabis does not get rid of the dealers, it normalises drug use and makes the problem worse. “In America, the black market in weed has boomed…

“Legalisation has done nothing to solve gang violence. You would have to be mad to legalise cannabis in Britain.”

Yet hard drug use rocketed in Holland after marijuana was decriminalised.

Former Met detective chief inspector Mick Neville says: “Cannabis is a gateway drug, and letting shops sell it will tempt more people to smoke it…Some will get addicted and move on to other substances. Others will go straight to hard drugs because cannabis is legal and no longer ‘cool’.

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