GUILTY: Train-rage killer was schizophrenic cannabis-addicted gangster with 30 convictions who psychiatrist had ruled was NO DANGER to himself or others – just 24 hours before he stabbed father 18 times in front of his son, 14
- EXCLUSIVE: Darren Pencille ran with London’s South Man Syndicate [SMS] gang
- Cannabis-addict was previously jailed for possession of a gun and a stabbing
- The 36-year-old murdered Lee Pomeroy, 51, on Guildford to Waterloo train
- Knife-obsessed killer brushed past his victim and later stabbed him in the neck
- Killer fled the train at the next stop where his girlfriend helped him escape police
- He was considered ‘no risk to others’ by a psychiatrist 24 hours before murder
- Pencille was a paranoid schizophrenic – but refused to take medication and smoked super-strong cannabis to treat it instead