Why we need to do more than ‘monitor’ alcohol!
QLD Government Makes it easier for ‘community groups’ to move Grog! May 2013
Media Release:
Newcastle/Geelong Alcohol (DANTE) study 10 December 2012
A recent comparative study of alcohol related harm occurring in both Newcastle and Geelong entertainment precincts provides profound lessons for the O’Farrell government and all other States and Territories grappling with ongoing alcohol related violence, anti – social behaviour and other harms.
The poor results from the weekends’ Operation Unite booze crackdown prove the government must start dealing with causes rather than responding to the very costly and predictable consequences of alcohol fuelled violence.
The DANTE study provides unequivocal signposts.
A key finding of immediate applicability to places like Kings Cross is the urgent adoption of proven measures employed in Newcastle that directly deal with alcohol supply/consumption, such as restricted trading hours. These were confirmed to be the most effective in reducing alcohol-related crime.
The harm associated with pre-drinking (pre loading) was also highlighted in the results.
Conversely, in Geelong (which has been held out by the AHA and government as the way to go) the study found that whilst their measures which addressed managing problem patrons and violent incidents reduce violence within the venues, they tend to shift any fighting onto the streets. These measures included ID scanners and CCTVs.
Compared with Newcastle, the Geelong interventions had no impact. They failed to address the critical issue of alcohol supply/consumption.
The DANTE report has also seriously undermined key planks of the AHA’s hysterical attacks on the success of Newcastle’s reduction modest reduction in late trading hours to 3- 3.30am.
It revealed
- The reduction in hours did not “devastate” Newcastle. Geelong experienced a similar number of pub closures over the same study period without a change in hours
- Some local Newcastle hoteliers actually support the reduction in hours as it reduced their trading costs. Their key legitimate concern was to be operating on a level playing field
The DANTE report now establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that modest reductions in late trading hours and other related measures that reduce dangerous levels of intoxication and oversupply of alcohol, are the most effective to reduce related violence and harms.
The State government, liquor industry and the community must unite and support Associate Professor Miller’s observation that “the evidence we have from DANTE study should now be used by respective governments to implement proven strategies to seriously address the unnecessary violence that results from excessive alcohol consumption in our entertainment precincts.”
For the government to continue to support AHA preferred measures in light of these recent independent findings, runs the risk of accusations of “cronyism” by putting pub profits ahead of the public, police and patrons’ continuing safety.
Tony Brown
Coalition inner city residents, small businesses and concerned citizens
Late closing and longer hours are our first big problem, tantamount to that is the failed R.S.A. laws! This is fixable!
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) have released an alcohol briefing as part of its suite of public health briefings – Very much worth a look
Alcohol Bans in Indigenous Communities
Academics speak out…
Voilence, Grief and Senselessness
Judge Frank Gucciardo said… alcohol abuse had become and epidemic in Australia and attitudes towards its use had to change. “As a community we’ve let it go too far. It has to stop otherwise we’re going to have tragedies like this all the time!”
Judge Frank Gucciardo said alcohol abuse had become an epidemic in Australia and attitudes towards its use had to change.
“As a community we’ve let it go too far. It has to stop otherwise we’re going to have tragedies like this all the time.”
read article at The Age Website
Victorian Secondary Supply Laws
This very much overdue legislation will empower both parents and teens to be able to better stand against the peer pressure some apply around alcohol consumption. For a full brief go to…
For a comprehensive look at current Liquor and licensing laws visit the ‘Responsible Alcohol Victoria’ site…
on this site you can:
- Track where licences are and who has them.
- What applications are in the pipe line.
- What the current legislation is and what is happening.