I’m Not Crazy! Mental Health Week and Protective Choices!

“Hold on! Feeling like I’m headed for a breakdown and I don’t know why? But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell, I know right now you can’t tell…” 

Well, so wrote the band, Matchbox 20, nearly a decade ago. 

The song kind of rings true, in more ways than one, for a growing number of our community struggling with the complexities of 21st century living and some of the attending dysfunctions that our ever burgeoning ‘technocracy’ leads us into.

There are reasons why stress, anxiety and depression present, and some of those sources/origins can be amplified by our obsessive ‘screen culture’; not just content, but mechanism too.

The 20th Century Blues: The Evolution of Despairth Century Blues: The Evolution of Despair was the title of Time Magazine expose on the emerging mental health crisis engulfing the first world west, as far back as 1995. They noted that one of the key drivers for this decline was ‘social isolation’. What’s concerning is that while our ‘screen culture’ gives us greater digital connection, it often diminishes our human one, and this disconnection of healthy and meaningful human interaction is one factor contributing to our mental health decline.  For complete article

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