Incidence of Pediatric Cannabis Exposure Among Children and Teenagers Aged 0 to 19 Years Before and After Medical Marijuana Legalization in Massachusetts

JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(8):e199456. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.9456 

Question  Does the number of pediatric cannabis (marijuana) exposure cases before medical marijuana legalization in Massachusetts differ from the number afterward?

Findings:  In this repeated cross-sectional study, there were 218 calls related to cannabis exposure received by the Regional Center for Poison Control and Prevention in Massachusetts, constituting 0.15% of all calls concerning children and teenagers aged 0 to 19 years. The number of calls regarding single-substance cannabis exposure, especially edible product exposure, in this age group showed a statistically significant increase; the number of such calls for all cannabis product types more than doubled from 29 calls 4 years before MML to 69 calls 4 year afterwards.

Meaning:  This study suggests that states liberalizing marijuana policies should consider strengthening regulations to prevent unintentional exposure among young children and enhancing efforts to prevent use by teenagers, with particular attention to edible cannabis products and concentrated extracts.

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