Open letter to the UN, WHO, UNICEF, OHCRH about children of alcoholics

Joint Letter: When Home Is The Most Dangerous Place
When home is the most dangerous place – millions of children are growing up in families with alcohol problems, but society is largely failing them

Making the invisible visible

For too long, these children have remained invisible, left on their own. As their parents cannot provide shelter and often basic support, also society is failing to protect and promote the rights of these children. Without hyperbole, all available evidence shows that the problem is massive:

In the United States, mothers convicted of child abuse are 3 times more likely to be alcoholics and fathers are 10 times more likely to be alcoholics.

  • More than 50% of all confirmed abuse reports and 75% of child deaths involve the use of alcohol or other drugs by a parent.
  • In the European Union, there are at least 9 million children growing up with alcohol-addicted parents.
  • In Australia ca. 1 million children live in households with at least one adult being addicted.
  • There are 2.6 million children of school age living with parental alcohol problems in the UK alone.
  • The number of children living in homes that are ravaged by alcohol problems sky-rockets considering the countries around the world that are currently not even measuring the issue.

For complete letter

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