The alcohol industry knows that if you want a customer for life, you need to get them young.
In Australia, alcohol advertising is self-regulated by the industry – yes that’s right, as unfathomable as it may seem, the ‘safe cracker is in charge of installing the safe!’ – The current system is untenable and not only legislation needs to be introduced, but also a bottom up approach to changing how you and I see this ‘amenity’ fitting in our culture. One vehicle that can assist in helping lobby for changes that bring a legislation into place that will actually hold Alcohol industry to account and get alcohol advertising off the air and out of sport, is to use the AARB process. As members of the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA) The Dalgarno Institute encourage everyone to use the Alcohol Advertising Review Board to make complaints about booze ads that impact schools, neighbourhoods, communities and of course on media, particularly online.
We encourage you to go to (put it in your favourites). If you see an advertisement that you think is inappropriate, especially when it may impact kids, then go straight to this site and click on ‘MAKE YOUR COMPLAINT’.
The following clip is a great parody on the issue, and also check out one of Coles latest booze promotions using World Cup