First published:20 February 2020
Abstract – Findings: the initiation of recreational cannabis commercialization was associated with 5.06–5.80 more exposures per 1 000 000 population per quarter (67–77% increase relative to the pre‐legalization average), depending on the composition of comparison states. The increase associated with commercialization was higher among minors than adults (7.97–9.53 versus 3.83–4.21 more exposures), higher among males than females (6.16–7.56 versus 3.76–3.91 more exposures) and higher among exposures with medical consequences than those without medical consequences (4.09–4.79 versus 0.97–1.01 more exposures).
Conclusion: An increase in cannabis exposures reported to the US National Poison Data System was observed following recreational cannabis commercialization in the United States.