The ‘High Functioning’ Alcoholic!

While I was aware of the fact that I drank an above average amount of alcohol for a dude in his mid-30’s, I never viewed it as a “problem”. It was more like an asset. Furthermore, it was an integral part of my persona: the hard partying, good time guy who also gets shit done! What would I be without it? Boring as hell?

The scariest thing about folks like us — the so-called “high functioning” types — is that we are so good at holding it together and hiding our disease that nobody ever really notices — until it is typically too late. I am extremely thankful for the fact that I quit when I did. Major disaster was inevitable.

Please take it from me, you do not have to wait for divorce or getting fired or getting thrown in the slammer or having a heart attack to occur in order for you to justify quitting.

I can assure you that quitting because you knew something horrible was about to happen is going to feel way better than quitting because something horrible did happen!

For complete story


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