No mention of preventing drug use engagement. No mention of active drug use exiting recovery. No real mention of rehabilitation processes. No mention of ongoing unaccountable harms generated by ‘normalised’ substance use narratives.
However, we do have more mechanisms being added to seemingly continue ongoing substance use.
Whilst Opioid SubsttuteTreatments (OST) have validity, without a sunset clause harnessed to a rehabilitative exit from substance use, then these vehicles are just replacing one humanity diminishing and still addictive substance, with another. Many recovering substance users refer to such treatments as ‘enslaving’, with many going to 12 step groups to get help to exit their new addiction.
#HarmReduction is supposed to the important, but last resort pillar in the National Drug Strategy. It was always meant to be a vehicle of damage management only, whilst facilitating exit from drug use. It was never meant to be hijacked by pro-drug activists who cynically use mantras like ‘saving lives’ to further their drug use normalisation agenda.
Concerningly the misuse of the, all important ‘saving lives’ focus, has meant the gold standard of Harm Reduction is never looked at, let alone worked toward. The gold standard of care is supposed to be better health, well-being that only drug use exiting recovery will bring. Avoiding death is only a very basic starting point, it is not a strategy for recovering the life those caught in addiction need and want assistance to achieve.
True harm reduction practitioners hate substances and what they do to not only the hapless drug dependant individual, but the wrecking ball it is to families and their communities. Drug use normalisation has no part in their deliberations and strategies.
The simple matrix that all drug policy strategies or interpretations should be put through, if not before implementation, then certainly in review is the following.
Does this policy and/or practice…
Reduce, Remediate, or facilitate Recovery from substance use?
Or does it
Enable, Equip, Empower or worse Endorse, ongoing substance use.
For the sake of those caught in the tyranny of addiction and their families – and for those young dabblers who have bought the normalisation narrative of drug use being ‘normal experimental’ behaviour and are only in the ‘fun’ stage of courting addiction, we need to have a comprehensive health plan that reduces, delays and/or denies drug use.
Dalgarno Institute
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